




In the world of nutrition, butter has been a matter of controversy. Some claim that it elevates the level of cholesterol, while others say that it can be a nutritious and healthy addition to your diet. Butter is made by separating solid fats from the liquid, by churning the cow milk. Butter can also be made from milk of other mammals, like sheep, goat and buffalo. Different types of butter are available in the market, including salted, unsalted, grass- fed, and clarified butter. Butter has a rich flavor and creamy texture. This is due to the high concentration of fat in it. Nutritional information of 1 tablespoon (14 gms) of butter:




Total fat

11.5 gms

Vitamin A

11% of the RDI

Vitamin E

2% of the RDI

Vitamin K

1% of the RDI

Vitamin B12

1% of the RDI


Butter also contains small amounts of riboflavin, niacin, calcium and phosphorus. Butter is an excellent source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA may have anticancer properties, increase the immunity and also may help in weight management. It also contains butyrate. It may improve digestive health and help in reducing inflammation.

Intake of butter in moderate amounts, may be linked to a lower risk of diabetes, heart problems, and obesity. In addition with butter, also add other healthy fats, for an overall healthy diet.