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Snoring (Due to Obesity) Diet

Snoring (Due to Obesity) Diet

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Snoring: Everything you need to know

Snoring is a very common phenomenon. It is more common in men when compared with women. The condition worsens with age. Certain lifestyle modifications can help in most cases, but in a few cases, like sleep disorders, medical intervention is needed. 


Reasons behind snoring

Several factors are responsible for snoring.

snoringThe physiological cause behind snoring is the vibration produced in your airways. When you breathe, the relaxed tissue in your upper respiratory tract vibrates, which produces the typical snoring sound. Snoring may result from:

  1. Blocked nasal passage

  2. Too much tissue in the throat

  3. The poor muscle tone of the throat and tongue

  4. Too long uvula

  5. Soft palate

  6. Cold and allergies, which causes nasal congestion and swelling of the throat

  7. A symptom of sleep apnea


Diagnosis of snoring

In mild snoring cases, only physical examination is needed. But in case of severe snoring, certain diagnostic tests are needed, including X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans. These all are done to check your airway abnormalities. In a few cases, a sleep study may also be needed. In a sleep study, you have to spend the night at the clinic or at a sleep center to monitor the 

  1. Respiration rate

  2. Heart rate

  3. Oxygen levels in the body, and 

  4. Movement of legs.


Treatment of snoring

The most important factor which decides the mode of treatment is the reason behind your snoring. Common treatments for snoring include:

  1. Use mouthpieces to keep your airway open and position your soft palate and tongue. 

  2. Trim the excess tissue in your airways, with the help of surgery.

  3. Palatal implants to stiffen your palates and reduce snoring.

  4. Removal of uvula and shortening of the soft palate with the help of laser surgery. 

  5. Use of masks or CPAP machines to direct pressurized air into the airway to eliminate sleep apnea and snoring.  


Complications associated with snoring


Frequent snoring may increase the risk of:

  1. Sleepiness whole day

  2. Reduced concentration

  3. High blood pressure

  4. Increased risk of stroke and heart disease

  5. Drowsiness, resulting in road accidents

  6. Relationship conflicts. 


Preventive measures for snoring

Certain lifestyle changes may improve the snoring conditions in mild cases. The potentially effective measures are:

  1. Weight management

  2. Sleep on your side

  3. Go to bed at the same time every night

  4. Apply nasal strips before going to bed

  5. Get proper treatment for nasal congestion

  6. Don’t eat just before your bedtime

  7. Avoid alcohol before bedtime

  8. Use an extra pillow to elevate your head up to 4 inches


Some tips to stop snoring

The best way to treat your snoring is to find the reason behind it. Depending upon your needs use the under-given methods to relieve your symptoms.


Weight management

If you are overweight or obese, switch to a healthy diet and regular exercise for weight management. It may help relieve the issue.

OTC medication

If your problem is due to a cold or allergy, try an OTC medication, such as intranasal decongestants.

Avoid alcohol

Avoid alcohol before bedtime because it relaxes the throat muscles, which can contribute to snoring.

Sleep on your side

When sleeping on your back, your tongue can fall back into your throat which can make your airway smaller, resulting in snoring. So, try sleeping on your side.

Try using a mouthpiece

The use of a removable mouthpiece keeps your jaw, tongue, and soft palate in place to prevent snoring.

Use CPAP machine

A CPAP machine pumps air into the airway overnight. It decreases the symptoms of snoring and sleep apnea.


In severe cases of snoring, surgery is needed. Insertion of filament in your soft palate, trimming extra tissue from your throat, or shrinking the tissue in your soft palate can help you relieve the issue.

Get enough sleep

A sound sleep of 6-8 hours is necessary for adults. Sleep deprivation may lead to snoring.

Raise the head side of your bed

It helps reduce snoring by keeping your airways open.

Avoid sedatives

If you are on sedatives, talk to your doctor for other options. Sedatives, like alcohol, relax the throat muscles, leading to snoring.

Try quit smoking

Smoking worsens the condition, so try quitting it. 


Risk factors associated with snoring

Certain factors increase the risk of snoring:


Sleeping position

Sleeping on your back increases the risk of snoring.


Snoring increases with increasing age.


Consumption of alcohol relaxes the throat muscles, leading to snoring. So, avoid alcohol before bedtime.


Snoring is more common in men when compared with women.


If any of your family members has sleep apnea, you are at increased risk of developing it. 

Cold and allergies

Cold and allergies cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, leading to snoring.

Overweight or obese

In overweight individuals, more and more tissue is developed in the throat, leading to snoring.

Small airway

A narrow upper respiratory tract may be the reason for your snoring.


When to contact your doctor

In case of snoring, only your roommate or bed partner can tell the symptoms and frequency. Some common symptoms of snoring include:

  1. Nasal congestion

  2. Breathing from the mouth, and 

  3. Waking in the morning with a dry throat


Symptoms of frequent or severe snoring:


  1. Sore throat

  2. Drowsiness or feeling the sleepy whole day

  3. Frequent napping

  4. Frequent waking up during sleep

  5. Lower concentration

  6. Choking during sleep

  7. Chest pain or high blood pressure.


If you have symptoms of frequent snoring, talk to your doctor. He/she will tell whether you are suffering from sleep apnea or any other serious condition after conducting some tests and even a sleep study.  

Snoring is a very common phenomenon, ranging from mild to severe in terms of severity. If you snore once in a while, you don’t need any intervention, but in case of chronic snoring, you need to consult your doctor. 


Frequently asked questions on snoring

Is there any permanent way to stop snoring? Is it 100% safe? If not then what else can I do?

First of all, you should know the reason behind your snoring, then only you will be able to permanently eradicate the issue. In mild cases of snoring, certain lifestyle modifications may help relieve the condition. Weight management, avoiding alcohol or food just before going to bed, and OTC medications for colds and allergies may help relieve the symptoms.


Are there any tips and tricks to help me stop snoring?

Tips to stop snoring in mild cases include:

  1. Weight management

  2. Sleep on your side

  3. Go to bed at the same time every night

  4. Apply nasal strips before going to bed

  5. Get proper treatment for nasal congestion

  6. Don’t eat just before your bedtime

  7. Avoid alcohol before bedtime

  8. Use an extra pillow to elevate your head up to 4 inches


What are some natural ways to fight to snore?

Natural ways work in mild cases of snoring, including weight management, sleeping on your side, sound sleep of 6-8 hours, avoiding alcohol and food before bedtime, elevating head up to 4 inches, getting proper treatment of nasal congestion, application of nasal strips before going to bed. If you have frequent and severe snoring, consult your doctor. He/she will tell whether you are suffering from sleep apnea or any other serious condition after conducting some tests and even a sleep study, and will then suggest if there is a need for surgery.


What is light snoring?

Light or infrequent snoring is normal and does not require any treatment. It only disturbs your roommate or bed partner. It is also called primary snoring and occurs more than three nights per week. 


Why do skinny people snore?

Although snoring is more common in overweight individuals, it can also occur in skinny people. It can be due to a cold or allergy which causes inflammation in the upper respiratory tract or due to anatomical abnormality like a narrow airway. 


Can snoring be cured with surgery? How?

In case of anatomical abnormalities or deposition of excess tissues in the throat due to obesity, surgery is needed to cure snoring. Some common surgeries include:

  1. Trim the excess tissue in your airways,

  2. Palatal implants to stiffen your palates,

  3. Removal of uvula and shortening of the soft palate with the help of laser surgery.


Is snoring physically harmful and if so how?

Loud and frequent snoring increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other health problems. Manage your weight and avoid alcohol before bedtime. If the symptoms persist, consult your healthcare provider. 


What is the prevention of snoring?

Preventive measures for snoring include:

  1. Weight management

  2. Sleep on your side

  3. Go to bed at the same time every night

  4. Apply nasal strips before going to bed

  5. Get proper treatment for nasal congestion

  6. Don’t eat just before your bedtime

  7. Avoid alcohol before bedtime

  8. Use an extra pillow to elevate your head up to 4 inches


How common is snoring?

Approx 45% of adults snore occasionally and 25% snore regularly. Snoring is more common in overweight individuals, middle-aged and older men, and postmenopausal women. The conditions worsen with increasing age.


What are the causes behind snoring?

Common causes of snoring include:

  1. Blocked nasal passage

  2. Too much tissue in the throat

  3. The poor muscle tone of the throat and tongue

  4. Too long uvula

  5. Soft palate

  6. Cold and allergies, which causes nasal congestion and swelling of the throat

  7. A symptom of sleep apnea


Obesity-induced snoring correcting diet Plan

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We never promise an unrealistic goal. We help patients to understand the disease and process for their correction with lifestyle modification. Dedicated patients usually do it perfectly but after all the perfection some patients may not get the desired result. The main reason being hormonal issues, disease conditions like high insulin state, high estrogen state, hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone), body disability, restricted body movement, lack of interest, unrealistic goals, etc. In this situation, we can try another method but keep in mind that every patient will get the same result is not true.

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No. We usually provide three meals in a day and in some diseases it's four to five meals. Mealtime you need to adjust according to your convenience as this is not only three months or six months program, you need to adopt a better eating habit for a lifetime.

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No, usually we do not allow milk in the diet plan especially when you have enrolled for abdominal symptoms along with weight loss but milk products like curd, paneer, etc are allowed. The Milk keeps you full for a longer time as a result of fullness you may not eat the whole plate. Less calorie intake may start unintentional muscle loss so, if you need to drink milk then the best time is to drink in the evening. However, remember that drinking excessive amounts of milk may lead to weight gain due to high-calorie intake.

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Yes, you can have snacks. Sprouted moong beans, green sprouts, almond milk, etc, and leftovers from the previous meal can be taken as snacks.

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Normally there are only three meals in a diet plan, but it can be changed depending upon your requirements.


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You need to book a prior appointment with him. He will contact you over WhatsApp (+919582292288) or on google meet. 

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Diet customization needs a lot of effort. After the purchase of a subscription, we take a history including dietary history and analyze blood reports. We usually assign a diet within 3-5 working days after purchasing and after completion of all basic formalities like blood report analysis, history, etc


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As you know, Dr. Pankaj Kumar is also a medical doctor and multiple commitments are there on daily basis. So pre-booked appointment is the best way to talk regarding your problem. No instant service is available.

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