




We consider cucumbers as vegetables, but actually it is a fruit. It is an excellent source of several nutrients and antioxidants. It is low in calories and high in soluble fiber and water contents. These properties of cucumber make it ideal for hydration and weight loss. Nutritional facts of 1 large cucumber (300 grams):






0 grams


11 grams


2 grams


2 grams

Vitamin C

14% of RDI

Vitamin K

62% of RDI


10% of RDI


13% of RDI


12% of RDI


To maximize the benefits of cucumber, grab it without peeling.  Peeling reduces the amount of fiber as well as some vitamins and minerals. 

Cucumbers are high in antioxidants. These molecules block oxidation and hence prevent the accumulation of free radicals in the body. These free radicals can lead to several types of chronic illnesses like heart disease, lung disease, and autoimmune disease. In a study of 30 days, it was seen that consumption of cucumber powder caused a significant increase in antioxidant markers.  However, the consumption of cucumber powder was much greater than you consume in a typical serving of cucumber. The main antioxidants found in cucumber are flavonoids and tannins. Both of these are especially effective at blocking harmful free radicals

Water is crucial for a number of body functions, including temperature regulation, transport of nutrients and wastes. Every body function is affected by hydration, from physical performance to metabolism. Fruits and vegetables can be a great source of water in a diet. Cucumbers are especially effective at promoting hydration, as they are composed of 96% water. 

Cucumbers are low in calories. One cup of cucumber contains only 16 calories. This means you can eat plenty of cucumbers without packing on extra calories. Cucumber is also an alternative for several high calorie food items. It’s high water content also aids in weight loss. 

According to several test tube and animal studies, cucumber may help reduce blood sugar levels and prevent some other complications associated with  diabetes. In a study on mice, it was found that supplementation of cucumber peel extract resulted in decrease in blood sugar levels. In another test tube study, cucumbers were found effective in reducing oxidative stress and preventing diabetes related complications. The research is limited in test tube and animal studies. More research is needed to determine the effect of cucumbers on human blood sugar levels. 

The major reason behind constipation is dehydration. Eating cucumber daily will keep you hydrated and may also help in daily bowel movements. Cucumbers are high in water, so help improving stool consistency, prevent constipation, and help maintain regularity. Additionally cucumbers contain fair amounts of fiber, which helps regulate bowel movements. Pectin, a soluble fibre present in cucumbers, especially helps in regulation of bowel movement. 

Fresh and crispy cucumbers, having a refreshing flavor are commonly used in salads and sandwiches.  It can be easily incorporated in the diet.