Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed Oil


Flaxseed Oil


Flaxseeds are high in several nutrients and provide numerous health benefits including loss of appetite and aiding in weight control, improved digestion and a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. They are high in protein, omega-3 fats, fiber, and other plant compounds. Nutritional facts of flaxseed oil per tablespoon (13.6 grams):





0 gram


0 gram


13.6 grams

Vitamin E

2.38 mg

Saturated fat

1.28 grams

Monounsaturated fat

2.75 grams

Polyunsaturated fat

8.98 grams 





Flaxseed oil is packed with a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, just one tablespoon of flaxseed oil contains 7196 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil is specially high in alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), a form of omega-3 fatty acid which is converted into active forms of omega-3 fatty acid, like EPA and DHA. Just one tablespoon of flaxseed oil can meet daily ALA needs. Omega-3 fatty acids are linked with several health benefits, including improved heart health and protection for the brain against aging. It is a great replacement for fish oil or fatty fish to help supplement your diet with the omega-3 fatty acids you need. According to several test tube and animal studies, it was reported that flaxseed oil may help reduce the growth of cancer cells. In a study on mice for 40 days, it was found that consumption of 0.3 ml of flaxseed oil reduced the spread of cancer cells and growth of lung tumors. In another animal study, consumption of flaxseed oil was shown to block the formation of colon cancer. Some test tube studies also shown that consumption of flaxseed oil reduced the growth of breast cancer cells.  However more human research is needed to support the link between flaxseed oil consumption and reduced risk of cancer. 

Several studies have linked flaxseed oil with beneficial heart health. In a study, it was found that supplementation of one tablespoon flaxseed oil for 12 weeks led to significant reduction in blood pressure levels as compared to supplementation with same amount of safflower oil. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease by putting extra strain on the heart. Flaxseed oil may also improve the elasticity of the arteries. Aging and increased blood pressure are linked to reduced elasticity of the arteries. This is thought to be due to the higher concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are also linked to other health benefits, including reduced inflammation and lower blood pressure. Flaxseed oil may be effective at treating both constipation and diarrhea. According to a study on animal, it was shown that flaxseed oil promote  regularity as a laxative, all while acting as an antidiarrheal agent. A study on 50 constipated patients found that consumption of flaxseed oil for four weeks led to increased frequency of bowel movements and improved stool consistency. However, research till now is limited to animal studies and studies on people with specific conditions. More study is needed to support the effectiveness of flaxseed oil on the general population.

Flaxseed oil also boasts to improve skin health. In a small study on 13 women, supplementation of flaxseed oil for 12 weeks resulted in improvements in skin smoothness and hydration, while skin sensitivity to irritation and roughness had decreased. A recent animal study showed that flaxseed oil had similar positive results. However, no studies have looked at the benefits of applying flaxseed oil to the skin of people. Many researches link the consumption of flaxseed oil with reduced inflammation in certain populations. However, an analysis on 20 studies showed that flaxseed oil did not have an effect on inflammation in the general population. Flaxseed oil reduced levels of C-reactive protein, a marker used to measure inflammation, in obese people. It was also found in some studies that flaxseed oil has similar anti-inflammatory effects as olive oil. However, more research is needed to determine its effects on inflammation for the general population.

Overall, including just one or two servings of flaxseed oil in daily routine is easy and could have numerous benefits for health.