Shoulders: Seated Bent-Over Delt Raises

Shoulders Seated Bent-Over Delt Raises

Shoulders: Seated Bent-Over Delt Raises


Seated bent-over delt raises work the rear deltoids, which are often neglected in shoulder workouts. Sitting on the edge of a bench, lean forward until your chest is almost touching your thighs to perform this exercise. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing inwards. Squeeze your shoulder blades and bend your elbows to lift the weights to the side. Pause before slowly lowering to starting position. After 8-12 reps, rest briefly. Sitting bent-over delt raises will strengthen your shoulders and fill out any upper body muscle imbalances, making your body look better.


Benefits of Exercise


Regular exercise improves health and lowers chronic disease risk. Seated Bent-Over Delt Raises can help. This shoulder workout improves posture and reduces injury risk. Regular exercise reduces stress and improves mood, improving mental health. It also boosts energy, making it easier to get through the day. Seated Bent-Over Delt Raises can improve mental and physical health. Staying active and fitting fitness into busy schedules is crucial for overall health.


Muscles Worked


Seated bent-over delt raises build shoulders well. This exercise targets the rear deltoid, which extends and rotates shoulders. Trapezius and rhomboids are also worked. Sit on a bench with your feet flat on the floor and lean forward with a pair of dumbbells to do seated bent-over delt raises. Straight arms with elbows bent. Lift your arms straight to shoulder height until they're parallel to the ground. Hold for one second and slowly lower to starting position. Sitting bent-over delt raises strengthen shoulders and upper back muscles. They help with posture and muscle imbalances. To avoid injury and maximise results, this exercise must be done properly.


Form & Technique


Seated bent-over delt raises strengthen shoulders. Sit on a bench with your feet on the ground and lean forward with a straight back to do this exercise. Hold two dumbbells at arm's length, palms facing each other. Slowly lower the weights from shoulder level. Use proper form and technique to maximise this exercise. Avoid joint strain by keeping your elbows slightly bent throughout the movement. Don't swing or jerk the weights—lift with control. Overall, seated bent-over delt raises target shoulders and strengthen upper body. By focusing on form and technique during each rep, you can maximise the benefits of this exercise while minimising injury and strain.


Common Mistakes


Overweighting seated bent-over delt raises is a common mistake. This shoulder exercise can strain the lower back if you use too much weight. Start light and increase as your strength improves. Another mistake is improper form. Instead of lifting weights with control, many people swing their arms or use momentum. Keep your back straight, engage your core, and lift weights slowly to avoid this. Finally, not fully extending your arms at the top of each rep is another common mistake. To maximise shoulder activation and growth, fully extend your arms at the top of each rep and slowly lower them. Avoid these mistakes and focus on proper technique to get better results from seated bent-over delt raises without injury.


Tips for Success


Squatting Delt Shoulder raises strengthen and build. However, proper exercise form is essential for optimal results. First, sit on a bench or chair with your feet flat and back straight. Bend over with dumbbells to parallel the floor. Lift the weights to shoulder height with slightly bent elbows. Pause at the top and slowly lower them back to starting position. Avoid momentum and arm swings when lifting weights to avoid injury and reduce effectiveness. Finally, choose a weight that challenges you but doesn't compromise form. As you improve, add weight. Following these tips, Seated Bent-Over Delt Raises can strengthen and define your shoulders, improving upper body strength and appearance!




Finally, seated bent-over delt raises target shoulders well. This compound movement targets the rear delts and upper traps. It improves posture, shoulder stability, and injury prevention when done correctly. To get a well-rounded body, add seated bent-over delt raises to your shoulder workout. Strong shoulders look good and make daily tasks easier. To avoid injury, this exercise should be done properly. Sitting bent-over delt raises can strengthen and define shoulders. It is difficult and requires focus, but consistent practise can yield significant results.


In Short:


Steps involved:

  1. Sit on the end of the bench with your legs together keeping the dumbbells behind your calves.

  2. Bend your waist keeping the back straight and hold the dumbbells such that your palms are facing each other.

  3. Lift the dumbbells with a slight bend in the elbow and lift the dumbbells straight to side until your arms are parallel to the floor.

  4. Hold for a second on the top of the motion and bring back the arms to the initial position in a controlled manner. Repeat.



  1. Perform the exercise in a controlled manner.

  2. Maintain a good posture.

  3. Focus more on reps rather than focusing on weights.



  1. Don’t keep the tempo fast.

  2. Don’t go for heavyweights, rather focus more on the targeted area.