




Strawberries are juicy & sweet and are bright red in colour. They are packed with many essential vitamins and minerals and are also rich in various antioxidants. Nutritional facts of strawberries per 100 grams:







0.7 grams


7.7 grams


4.9 grams


2 grams


0.3 grams


Strawberries are high in water and low in carbs. The carbs present are mainly simple sugars and fiber. Fiber in strawberries comprises 26% of total carbs. Strawberries have a relatively low glycemic index. Strawberries are packed with fair amounts of vitamin C, manganese, folate, and potassium. Some other vitamins and minerals are also present in lesser amounts including iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins B6, K, and E. Strawberries contain more than 25 types of anthocyanins, out of which pelargonidin is the most abundant one. Anthocyanins provide colour to the fruits and flowers and have numerous health benefits. Strawberries are one of the richest sources of phenolic antioxidants. Major antioxidants of strawberries are ellagitannins and ellagic acid. They are linked with reduced risk of cancer. Procyanidins, a type of antioxidants are found mainly in flesh and seeds of strawberries.

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of premature death all over the world. Berries consumption is linked with lower risk of heart related deaths including increase in HDL levels and improved blood pressure levels. In addition, they may also improve blood antioxidant status, decrease oxidative stress, blood lipid profile, reduce the harmful oxidation of LDL, reduce inflammation, and overall improve vascular function. According to some studies, strawberries may slow down glucose digestion and reduce hikes of  both glucose and insulin levels in blood, following a carb-rich meal. The formation and progression of cancer cells is directly linked with oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. A number of researchers report that berries may help prevent several types of cancer through their ability to fight oxidative stress and inflammation.

Although strawberries are well tolerated, it is sometimes associated with allergy, especially among children. Allergy is basically due to the presence of a type of protein in strawberries, and causes symptoms in people who are sensitive to birch pollen or apples.