Triceps: Lying triceps extensions

Triceps Lying triceps extensions

Triceps Basics


Lying triceps extensions build muscle. It works the triceps alone. This exercise can be done with barbells or dumbbells, and each arm can be focused on individually. Begin this exercise by lying flat on your back on a bench or floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Hold the barbell or dumbbells above your chest with both hands, palms facing away. Slowly lower the bar or weights to either side of your head until your triceps stretch. Push back up for one repetition. For best results, do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.


Anatomy & Function


The triceps muscle extends the elbow and adducts the shoulder. Lying triceps extensions involve extending your arms above your head while holding a barbell or dumbbell. Slowly lower the weight towards your forehead while keeping your elbows pointed up towards the ceiling, then fully extend them to lift up. This exercise works the long, medial, and lateral triceps heads. It strengthens all three muscle heads and increases shoulder and elbow mobility when done properly. It strengthens posture-supporting muscles throughout the body. By strengthening these areas, this exercise can reduce shoulder pain from poor posture or overuse injuries.


Lying Triceps Extension Benefits


Lying triceps extensions strengthen the triceps. Lying face-up on a flat bench, holding a barbell over your chest with both hands, and extending your arms straight up to the ceiling is this exercise. This exercise targets the long head of the triceps, which extends the elbow and stabilises shoulder movements.

Lying triceps extensions strengthen upper arms. This exercise builds triceps muscle mass and strength to improve arm exercises. This exercise also improves overhead press range of motion. By stabilising your shoulder joint, strengthening these muscles can prevent rotator cuff tears and shoulder impingement syndrome.

Finally, lying triceps extensions increase muscular endurance so you can do more reps per set without tiring out. They are ideal for those who want to bulk up their arms but need endurance for CrossFit or high-intensity interval training (HIIT).


Proper Form & Technique


Start lying on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your feet on the ground and your knees bent at 90 degrees. Slowly raise both arms to full extension above your head with your elbows tucked in. Squeeze your triceps at this point for maximum effect. After full extension, slowly lower both arms to starting position and repeat. Keep the elbows close to the torso when lifting and lowering for best results. This exercise is less effective and more dangerous if the hips are arched or lifted.


Modifications & Variations


A curved barbell is often used to modify this exercise. This curved bar helps the user target their triceps by keeping their elbows close to their sides. Curling a weight plate or dumbbell increases resistance and difficulty.

Overhead lying triceps extensions are another variation. For this variation, hold one end of a dumbbell with both hands and extend it over your head until your arms are fully extended. For variety, rotate your wrists during this motion. Finally, you can make standing triceps extensions harder by extending both arms above your head with two dumbbells or cables.


Common Mistakes to Avoid


Not engaging the muscles throughout lying triceps extensions is a common mistake. This can make your workout ineffective and incomplete. Slowly lowering your arms and pressing back with control maintains muscle tension. Hyper-extending your elbows can injure you.

Overweighting lying triceps extensions is another mistake. Going too heavy can make you use momentum instead of muscle strength, so challenge yourself. Try a weight that lets you do 10–12 repetitions without compromising form or range of motion.

To avoid straining your shoulder blades or lower back, keep them firmly pressed against the bench while doing this exercise.




This blog concludes that lying triceps extensions strengthen and build muscle. The exercise can be done with barbells or dumbbells in a neutral or pronated grip. This exercise can injure if done improperly. Focus on control and muscle tension to maximise each rep. Varying rep range and weight can help one progress over time. Lying triceps extensions can be a useful fitness tool if you follow these tips and use them.


In Short:


Steps involved:

  1. Hold a barbell at shoulder width, and lay on a bench with your back facing the bench.

  2. Fully straighten your elbows until the barbell is directly over your chest.

  3. Start to bend your elbows and allow the barbell to nearly touch your forehead while keeping the tension on your triceps.

  4. Extend your elbows back to the starting position and feel the contraction in your triceps.



  1. Keep your elbows in during the movement.

  2. Keep the rep timing slow.



  1. Don’t let your elbows flare out.

  2. Don’t lock your elbows at the peak of the movement.

  3. Don’t use your shoulders in the movement.