Healthy chicken soup

Healthy chicken soup

The benefits of homemade chicken soup

Homemade chicken soup is not only a comforting and delicious meal but also provides numerous health benefits. One major advantage is its ability to boost the immune system. The combination of lean protein from the chicken, as well as the vitamins and minerals from the vegetables, can help strengthen your body's defenses against common illnesses like colds and flu. Additionally, research suggests that certain compounds found in homemade chicken soup may have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce symptoms of respiratory infections. Another benefit of homemade chicken soup lies in its carbohydrate content. Carrots and cabbage, two staple ingredients in this hearty dish, offer a good source of complex carbohydrates. These slow-burning carbs provide sustained energy throughout the day and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Moreover, the low-calorie nature of homemade chicken soup makes it a great choice for those looking to maintain a healthy weight or support their weight loss goals. In summary, enjoying a steaming bowl of homemade chicken soup brings not only warmth and comfort but also an array of health perks. From boosting immunity to providing long-lasting energy, this nourishing dish is certainly a winner when it comes to both taste and wellness benefits.

Health benefits of chicken as a base

Chicken serves as an excellent base for a healthy soup, offering a myriad of health benefits. Firstly, chicken is packed with high-quality protein which helps in repairing and building muscles, supporting weight loss and maintaining healthy hair and skin. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, zinc, iron and selenium that play a crucial role in boosting the immune system, promoting cell growth and regulating metabolism. Moreover, chicken is also known to be low in fat compared to other meats like beef or pork. By using chicken as a base for your soup instead of fatty meats, you can ensure that your meal remains light and nutritious without compromising on taste. The combination of lean protein and low-fat content makes chicken an ideal choice for those looking to maintain a healthy weight or lose some extra pounds. Furthermore, the herbs used in chicken soup further amplify its health benefits. Commonly used herbs like thyme, rosemary or oregano not only add flavor but also possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. They are rich in antioxidants that fight off free radicals in the body and boost overall health. Incorporating chicken into your diet through a hearty soup provides numerous health benefits ranging from muscle repair to boosting immunity. By adding vegetables like cabbage, capsicum (bell pepper), carrots along with these herbs into your soup base; you are not only enhancing the flavors but also enriching it with essential vitamins

Nutritional value of cabbage, capsicum, and carrots

Cabbage, capsicum, and carrots not only add a burst of color to your chicken soup but also provide a plethora of nutritional benefits. Let's start with cabbage. This cruciferous vegetable is low in calories but high in fiber, making it great for weight management and maintaining a healthy digestive system. It's also packed with vitamins C and K, along with antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and promote heart health. Capsicum, commonly known as bell peppers, comes in various vibrant colors like red, yellow, and green. These veggies are rich in vitamin C and contain powerful antioxidants that may help boost the immune system. They are also a good source of vitamin B6, which supports brain development and function. Additionally, capsicums are low in calories but high in water content, making them an ideal choice for hydration while adding a crunchy texture to your soup. Carrots probably don't need much introduction as they have long been touted as one of the best sources of beta-carotene – an antioxidant that gets converted into vitamin A by our bodies. This nutrient-rich root vegetable promotes good vision health and boosts the immune system. Carrots are also brimming with potassium  – essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels – as well as vitamin K1 important for blood clotting regulation. Incorporating these nutritious vegetables into your chicken soup will not only enhance its flavor but will also elevate its nutritional value significantly. So go ahead and indulge yourself in this wholesome bowl of goodness!

The healing properties of herbs in soup

When we think of soup, warming comfort is often the first thing that comes to mind. But did you know that certain herbs can also provide incredible healing properties? Adding herbs like thyme, parsley, and rosemary to your chicken soup not only enhances the flavor but also boosts its nutritional value. Thyme, for example, has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for respiratory issues due to its antibacterial and expectorant properties. Parsley is another herb commonly found in soups that offers a myriad of health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C, which are essential for boosting the immune system. Additionally, parsley has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce joint pain and support healthy digestion. So next time you're making chicken soup, don't forget to sprinkle some fresh parsley on top! Moving on to rosemary - this earthy herb not only adds a delightful aroma to any dish but also packs a powerful punch when it comes to health benefits. Rosemary contains compounds such as rosmarinic acid and carnosol, which have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These compounds can aid in reducing inflammation, protecting against oxidative stress, and even improving memory function! So why not incorporate some rosemary into your next batch of chicken soup? Your taste buds and body will thank you.

Simple steps to make a healthy chicken soup

Firstly, start by preparing the vegetables. Take a handful of fresh carrots and chop them into small, bite-sized pieces. Next, take some vibrant green cabbage and thinly slice it. Don't forget to add some colorful capsicum too! Cut it into thin strips for an added burst of flavor and texture. After prepping the veggies, it's time to focus on the chicken. Choose boneless chicken breast for a leaner option or go for succulent thighs if you prefer more flavor. Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and your favorite herbs – thyme and rosemary work wonders here. Cook the chicken in a large pot until golden brown and then set aside. In the same pot, sauté the chopped carrots with some finely chopped garlic until they release their sweet aroma. Add in the sliced cabbage and capsicum along with a sprinkle of salt to help bring out their flavors even more. After a few minutes of cooking down these veggies, pour in enough water or homemade chicken broth to cover everything completely. Now all that's left is to let everything simmer gently together for about 30-40 minutes until all flavors meld together beautifully. Taste and adjust seasonings as necessary – freshly cracked black pepper adds an extra kick while a squeeze of lemon juice just before serving can brighten up all the elements in this nutritious soup. And there you have it – your homemade healthy chicken soup using simple steps! Whether you're looking for comforting warmth on cold days or nourishing goodness at any time.

Tips for enhancing the flavor and nutrition

1. Experiment with herbs and spices: One of the easiest ways to enhance both the flavor and nutrition of your chicken soup is to experiment with different herbs and spices. Adding aromatic spices like cumin, turmeric, or paprika can give a rich depth of flavor while also providing additional health benefits. Fresh herbs like basil, parsley, or thyme bring brightness and freshness to your soup. Don't be afraid to get creative and try out different combinations until you find the perfect balance that suits your taste.

2. Utilize bone broth: Instead of using plain water as a base for your chicken soup, consider making bone broth from scratch or using a store-bought version. Bone broth not only adds richness but is also packed with important nutrients like collagen, gelatin, and amino acids that support gut health and joint function. The extra bonuses of using bone broth in your soup include added protein and minerals that will make it even more nourishing.

3. Add a splash of acidity: A touch of acidity can really elevate the flavors in your chicken soup by balancing out its richness. Consider adding a splash of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar just before serving to brighten up the flavors and give them a zesty kick. This small addition can make all the difference in transforming an ordinary bowl of soup into something truly exceptional.

Enjoy the nourishing goodness of homemade chicken soup

In conclusion, there is something truly special about enjoying a bowl of homemade chicken soup. Beyond its comforting and nourishing properties, it serves as a reminder of the love and care that goes into preparing food from scratch. Each spoonful carries not only the flavors of the ingredients but also the dedication put into chopping vegetables, simmering the broth, and tenderizing the chicken. Unlike store-bought versions that may be filled with preservatives or excessive sodium levels, homemade chicken soup allows you to control every element that goes into your meal. You can choose organic, free-range chicken for added nutritional benefits and opt for fresh vegetables bursting with vitamins and minerals. By taking charge in creating your own soup, you can ensure that both taste and health are prioritized in equal measure. Furthermore, indulging in a steaming bowl of homemade chicken soup offers numerous health benefits beyond mere comfort. Chicken is an excellent source of lean protein which aids in muscle growth and repair while supporting a healthy immune system. The assortment of colorful vegetables like cabbage, capsicum, and carrots provide essential antioxidants known to boost overall wellbeing. Incorporating herbs such as thyme or parsley not only enhances flavor but also brings along their unique set of medicinal properties. So next time you feel like investing a little extra time in the kitchen, consider making your own batch of this timeless classic – homemade chicken soup awaits! With its delicious taste profile coupled with its extensive array of health benefits, it's hard to resist embracing its nourishing goodness on our journey towards.

At a Glance

Ingredients for Healthy chicken soup:

1. Chicken: 50 gms

2. Onion: 1 tbsp (chopped)

3. Garlic: 1 clove

4. Cabbage: 1 tbsp (chopped)

5. Capsicum: 1 tbsp (chopped)

6. Carrots: ½ small sized

7. Pepper dry: 0.25 tsp

8. Salt: as per requirement

Instructions for Healthy chicken soup:

1. Take the chicken piece in a pan and pour water over it, so that it gets covered with water.

2. Cover it and simmer until the chicken meat falls off the bones. 

3. Strain the broth. Pick the meat off the bones. Add finely chopped vegetables and meat pieces, and salt to the broth and cook for another 2-3 minutes. 

4. Season with dry pepper and serve hot.

Ingredients :

  • Chicken | 50 Gram

  • Onions | 1 TBSP ( 10g )

  • Garlic (1 Clove=3 Gram) | 1 Clove(s) ( 3g )

  • Cabbage | 1 TBSP ( 9.4g )

  • Bell Peppers, Shimla Mirch, Green | 10 Gram

  • Carrots | 0.25 Piece(s) ( 12.5g )

  • Pepper dry | 0.25 tsp ( 0.575g )

  • Salt | 0 As Per Requirement ( 0g )

Your queries (FAQ)

Yes, you can add more spices as well as some other ingredients which may improve the taste but keep in mind you need to fix macro as it is fixed in the recipe. Macronutrients must not be changed.

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Yes, you can change the amount of oil used in the recipe but you will have to manage it from the next or previous meal of the same day. The total amount of oil/fat prescribed for a day must not be increased or decreased i.e. you have to cook entire day food with a given amount of oil in a day. This is applicable to those who are following Dr. Pankaj Kumar's diet plan.


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No, we do not have any trial diet plan. the reason behind this is all the diet plans are made after seeing blood test reports and after taking meticulous history including dietary history, so it is not possible to do all these just to try. people used to come here for results,s not to a try. you can see a sample diet plan how things are added to diet but this is just a dummy diet plan made especially for understanding purposes.


sample diet plan

 Sample diet

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Yes, you can exchange oils as follows:

1TBSP ghee = 1 TBSP olive oil= 1 tbsp mustard oil = 1 TBSP coconut oil


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Yes, earlier we used to fast in such a way that only one meal was given in whole day that too without salt. In this situation, sugar and sugary products were allowed but as we entered into a new era then we started doing fancy fast. If you go deeper into the logic of fancy fast, it includes almost everything which usually gives rest to our taste buds so fancy fast diet has become more popular. Now come to the Navratri detox diet, with this fancy diet, detox is not possible. If you are health conscious and really desperate to detox your body, then do fast with only one meal a day for 9 days. It will settle your Insulin resistance which is actually required. Buy a customized Navratri detox diet plan now from this link 

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Yes, you can purchase the Navratri diet plan for weight loss from our website www.dietplusminus.comWeight loss with normal daily food and Navratri diet is different. To lose effectively you need to consume in a better proportion. Due to restrictions on multiple food items, Navratri food is full of carbohydrates. Weight loss always varies from person to person.

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Yes, we have started the Navratri diet plan for the year 2021 at a very affordable price. We also want to make you fit in this holy festival. This festival also allows losing weight effectively apart from happiness and joy. To purchase the Navratri diet plan for 9 days please click here

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Yes, you can get the Navratri diet plan or Navratri diet plan for weight loss in Hindi by changing the language of our website, Google will automatically convert it into your language.

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