Nut Wars: Gurbandi vs. California vs. Mamra Almonds – Choosing Your Health Boost

Nut Wars Gurbandi vs. California vs. Mamra Almonds – Choosing Your Health Boost.1
  • 25th November 2023

Almonds have long been celebrated as a nutrient-dense powerhouse, offering a host of health benefits. However, not all almonds are created equal. In this blog, we will delve into the distinct qualities of three popular almond varieties — Gurbandi, California, and Mamra.

Through a detailed exploration of their nutritional profiles, we aim to help you make an informed choice about which almond variety aligns best with your health goals.

1. Gurbandi Almonds: The Exquisite Choice

Gurbandi almonds, also known as 'choti giri' or 'small kernel almonds,' are highly regarded for their unique characteristics. These almonds are primarily grown in the arid regions of Jammu and Kashmir in India and are renowned for their small size, dark brown color, and intense flavor.

Nutritional Profile of Gurbandi Almonds:

Size: Gurbandi almonds are smaller in size compared to other varieties, making them distinctive in appearance.

Color: They have a deep, dark brown skin that adds to their visual appeal.

Flavor: Gurbandi almonds are known for their rich and robust flavor, making them a favorite in culinary applications.

Nutrient Highlights:

1. High Healthy Fats: Gurbandi almonds contain a good amount of monounsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy and contribute to overall well-being.

2. Rich in Antioxidants: The dark color of Gurbandi almonds is indicative of higher antioxidant content, offering potential benefits for cellular health.

3. Protein Powerhouse: Despite their small size, Gurbandi almonds pack a protein punch, supporting muscle development and repair.

Nutritional facts of Gurbandi Almonds:


Amount per 1 oz (28g)





Healthy Fats (Monounsaturated)




Vitamin E    


2. California Almonds: The Versatile Staple

California almonds, particularly the Nonpareil variety, dominate global almond production. These almonds are grown in the fertile Central Valley of California, benefitting from the region's optimal climate and soil conditions.

Nutritional Profile of California Almonds:

Size: California almonds are generally larger in size compared to Gurbandi almonds.

Color: They have a light brown skin with a smooth texture.

Flavor: California almonds have a mild, sweet flavor, making them a versatile choice for various culinary uses.

Nutrient Highlights:

1. Balanced Nutrient Profile: California almonds offer a balanced mix of macronutrients, including healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

2. Vitamin E Source: They are a good source of vitamin E, contributing to antioxidant defenses in the body.

3. Versatility: California almonds are widely used in both sweet and savory dishes, as well as in almond-based products like almond milk and almond butter.

Nutritional facts of California almonds:


Amount per 1 oz (28g)





Healthy Fats (Monounsaturated)




Vitamin E   


3. Mamra Almonds: The Rare and Premium Delight

Mamra almonds, also known as 'Mamra Badam' or 'Jumbo almonds,' are considered a premium and rare variety. They are primarily grown in the arid and hilly regions of Iran and are highly valued for their large size and unique nutritional qualities.

Nutritional Profile of Mamra Almonds:

Size: Mamra almonds are among the largest almonds, distinguishing them from other varieties.

Color: They have a light brown to cream-colored skin.

Flavor: Mamra almonds are known for their rich, sweet flavor and crunchy texture.

Nutrient Highlights:

1. Large Size, Large Nutrient Profile: Mamra almonds boast a generous nutrient content due to their size, offering more protein, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients per almond.

2. Protein Powerhouse: Mamra almonds are particularly high in protein, making them an excellent choice for those focusing on muscle development.

3. Rich in Healthy Fats: Similar to other almond varieties, Mamra almonds contain a significant amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Nutritional facts of Mamra Almonds:


Amount per 1 oz (28g)





Healthy Fats (Monounsaturated




Vitamin E   


Best way to eat almonds:

The debate between raw and roasted almonds revolves around the impact of the roasting process on nutrient content. Let's explore the merits of each.

Raw Almonds: The Untouched Nutrient Bundle

Nutritional Benefits:

  • Vitamin E: Retains high levels of this antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage.
  • Healthy Fats: Maintains the original composition of monounsaturated fats, promoting heart health.
  • Enzymes: Preserves enzymes that some argue contribute to improved digestion.

Roasted Almonds: A Crunchy Delight with Enhanced Flavor

Nutritional Benefits:

  • Protein and Healthy Fats: Retains protein and healthy fats, maintaining its nutritional value.
  • Antioxidants: Roasting can enhance the bioavailability of certain antioxidants.
  • Taste: Improved flavor and satisfying crunch.

Consideration: Watch for added oils and salt in commercial varieties. Opting for dry-roasted almonds or roasting them at home provides control over the ingredients.

Soaked Almonds: Digestibility and Nutrient Absorption

Soaked almonds have gained popularity for their potential to enhance digestibility and nutrient absorption.


  • Reduced Phytic Acid: Soaking decreases phytic acid levels, improving mineral absorption.
  • Texture: Softer and easier to chew, making them suitable for those with dental or digestive concerns.
  • Flavor: Some individuals find soaked almonds to be more flavorful.

Sprouted Almonds: Unlocking Maximum Nutrient Potential

Sprouted almonds take the soaking concept to the next level by allowing almonds to germinate, activating enzymes and potentially increasing nutrient levels.

Potential Benefits:

  • Increased Nutrient Levels: Some studies suggest higher levels of B vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Reduced Anti-nutrients: Sprouting may decrease anti-nutrients, enhancing nutrient absorption.

Note: More research is needed to fully understand the extent of nutrient changes during the sprouting process.

Almond Butter: Creamy and Nutrient-Rich

Almond butter, made from ground almonds, offers a convenient and delicious way to enjoy the benefits of almonds.

Nutritional Highlights:

  • Healthy Fats: A good source of monounsaturated fats for heart health.
  • Protein and Fiber: Contributes to satiety and makes almond butter a satisfying addition to meals.
  • Versatility: Use as a spread, dip, or ingredient in various dishes.

Caution: Check the ingredient list to avoid added sugars, oils, or preservatives. Opt for natural almond butter for the purest form.


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