Diet Plus Minus Health and fitness Blog


Benefits of Plank

  • 6th March 2023

What is Plank?The plank is an exercise that strengthens the abdominal and back muscles. Position yourself on the floor face down with your arms and legs extended and your back as straight as you

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Scleroderma-Related Malnutrition

  • 7th January 2023

What is Scleroderma?The foods we eat affect our health in many ways, for better or for worse: fruits and vegetables are beneficial foods that provide our bodies with energy and essential nutrients, wh

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Live stress-free

  • 3rd September 2022

Yes, happiness is in our control Feeling happy is directly linked to maintaining a healthy body, mind, soul, and conscience. Happiness is a mental condition, not a physical location, and consciousn

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Role of exercise in weight loss

  • 21st August 2022

In addition to its general health benefits, regular exercise can be a real game changer when it comes to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. When trying to shed pounds, exercising more can

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Weight Loss Diet: Various Types

  • 21st August 2022

Programs to manage weight often consist of two stages: dropping pounds and keeping them off. It is obvious that dietary restriction is the crucial component of a weight-loss programme that determines

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